Descendants of TAN Hoon Siang

TAN family tree #1    revised: 8 April 2000

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click on the thumbnails to enlarge the photos, & click on the boxes below, for links to individual's family details

Descendants of A: TAN Hoon Siang He had 7 children

  B1: TAN Chong Yan                     B2: TAN Chong Beng                             B3: TAN Chong Seng    
  B4: TAN Poon Neo                     B5: TAN Ong Neo                             B6: TAN Hong Neo    
  B7: TAN Koon Neo   

Descendants of B.1: TAN Chong Yan  He had 8 children

  C.1.1(1): Greta Tan Gek Neo         C.1.2(1): Yvonne TAN Tin Neo           C.1.3(1): Colin TAN Kim Guan    

  C.1.4(1):Angeline TAN Seok Kim          C.1.5(1): Evelyn TAN Seok Bee                      C.1.6(1): Leonard TAN Kim Tuan    

   C.1.7(2): Fenelia TAN Kim Luan            C.1.8(2): Noreen TAN Kim Lay    

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